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A propos des groupes d'âmes

Channeling or communication with the beings of light – part4 / 4

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“About groups of souls

Several enlightened beings” it would seem that all ingrown part of what is called “the soul families, or groups of souls.” When these souls have been incorporated into the human body, some groups have been created. These things indicate that it has not been easy for “our source,” see “our cosmic thought” how these soul families would be shared. Apparently, it took many years (and they number in the thousands) to model these families. This time was useful to find out exactly what our planet might need. What is in our cosmic force we had to wait to be able to integrate body as souls. All our human needs were controlled by the remarkable strength of cosmic thoughts. It is this huge and admirable force that included all the needs of the human race that we represent. Create families or groups of souls was the result of this process of reflection. It is in this way that souls found themselves incorporated into the human body from birth. These include, these groups and peoples earth, each group has a role that is determined in advance. It is not always easy for them to stick to it. Some get there and others do not do it at all. Those of them who successfully find their soul up and gather with their soul family of origin. In case of failure, the soul in question is separated from his group of original soul, to try to integrate another according to the latest incarnations had. According to authors such as Gaia or Bianca Marie Lise Labonté (which I highly recommend the book on the subject), among families of souls listed, we have different types embodied in our land. Thirteen families were clearly identified and communicated through multiple written. Among these are the family of the Masters, the Healers, Warriors healers, Shamans, Healers teachers, Warriors, Alchemists fairies, Communicators, Teachers, Smugglers, Initiators of consciousness, Pillars, the mechanics, and the family of the Masters.

Curious to find out what family you belong souls? Make your query we will answer you, in order of receipt of applications. Send me your views, comments and personal requests by e-mail on : Je serai ravie d’y répondre !


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