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eggplant: to be enjoyed without moderation!

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Native to India, eggplant comes in the Mediterranean through the Arab navigators. It can be grown in temperate environments, because below 12 °, growth stops.

There are several varieties of eggplant: egg-shaped in India, white, purple, elongated dark violet China and France. Eggplant is a fruit vegetable in the same family as tomatoes and peppers, and has a much essential for a balanced diet nutrients.

With 18 kcal/100g, eggplant joined the class fee less calorie vegetables. It is rich in water and its rich antioxidant skin contains fibers that facilitate the proper functioning of the intestine. Some studies also show that the fiber has eggplant Capable of blood cholesterol and facilitating its removal preventing its absorption by the mucous membranes. The presence of potassium, giving it undeniable diuretic qualities.

To preserve the maximum nutritional value, it is important to cook with minimal fat. We must choose eggplant very firm, with smooth and shiny skin, a beautiful violet color.

By Maya Duringer

 Idea of recipes : Ratatouille Express

Ingredients :
an onion-
-2 Cloves of garlic
-2 courgettes
-an eggplant (2 if you use a very large pan)
-2 Ox heart tomatoes
a-c. tablespoons olive oil
-Salt and pepper

Sauté a few minutes in a pan, chopped onion and crushed garlic with a tablespoon of olive oil. Cut into rounds two zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes. Arrange half the zucchini in the pan, season with salt and pepper. Add the aubergine slices and the rest of the zucchini, season. Finish with slices of tomato and pepper only. Close your stove and let simmer until the water reaches the final layer of zucchini. Remove the cover to allow water to evaporate. When there are almost more, express your ratatouille is ready. Serve with fish steamed or baked.

Do it, the night before for the next day, it will only be better!

More recipes : Moussaka, lasagnes aux légumes, curry d’aubergines à l’indienne (délicieux mais assez gras).

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