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Le lâcher-prise

Letting go (Part I)

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“I compare life to the strings of a musical instrument, it must aim and release to make it a more pleasant sound.” Letting go means letting go of what is holding forcefully. In this regard, Jean Klein gave us this advice: “Accept life as it comes. Some people feel the need to always control things in their lives and around them. Not only do they refuse to accept their limitations but consider them as a real sign of weakness. But letting go does not mean no circumstances renounce. Rather, it is an invitation to a real change in the way we interpret or perceive things. Be free of unnecessary weight in our daily lives is to accept progress. At what point can we say that it is time to change things? When should you finally decide to let go? Let’s face it, all to varying degrees, we like to have control, whether in our work or parts thereof, on our personal lives, our emotions, and sometimes on the other. We would like to have some control over events that, in fact, are beyond our control. When we realize that we can not change neither the events nor the other and that we can only change the way we perceive, we are letting go. We then give a chance to experience less stress. Similarly, when we change our actions to achieve a result, we demonstrate flexibility and our ability to get a sterile driving. In all events that happen to us, it is important to distinguish between what we can control what we can influence and that we can neither control nor influence. Make a distinction between the three is probably the first step in letting go.

“>Next week, I suggest a continuation of the broad theme of letting go to discover the path of Jean Klein and his contribution.

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