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A la recherche de l’Essence de Soi

Seeking the Essence of Self

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“When the mind knows peace, he controls the whole universe,” said Chuang Tzu. Contrary to what many of us imagine, it seems to me that spirituality is in no way linked to a religious system or a cultural philosophy. According to the acceptance of each individual, it takes a very different direction. For some, it means a category of beliefs and religious rituals forcing compliance with the dogmas associated with these beliefs. For others, it is a set of practices, social customs decided by people trying to get through the difficulties and trials of life. This is a way to draw strength and courage there. Some not ask any questions about it. They are probably right, if it does not hinder their well-being and quality of life. Perhaps, are the only ones to finally understand everything, especially if they are content to live in the present moment. “

By Mâ Koumanji

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