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Du Style et de l’allure avec Cristina Cordula

Style and elegance with Cristina Cordula

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“In my previous books, I was speaking to women to give them advice, to help them avoid the traps, to deliver tips, all in order to reconcile them with their image and enable them to discover or rediscover self esteem.” These are the words of Cristina Cordula.

Famous model, she brings several years experience in fashion and beauty to others as image consultant. She also hosts many TV shows about fashion and makeover. Her Brazilian accent, her natural and zest for life made her famous among the French public.

Today, she signed with Paula Braconnot (development of texts), Vicente de Paulo (Photographs) and Julien Pomer (drawings) a beautiful book: Style & allures (Larousse Editions). More than 220 pages that bring together brilliantly her three passions: fashion, Paris and Brazil. “This is more confidences, small pieces of me revealed, meetings, memories, and declarations of love. / …. / The love I have for the fashion, the love that binds me to Paris, and the love that binds me to my native Brazil. Fashion is my passion, my job / … / Paris is my adopted city, the one I dreamed of when a little girl which greeted me for almost thirty years. Brazil is my country, my roots / … / These are the three passions that I wanted to share with you today in this book. “

The book invites us to a hundred “ walks full of style and elegance in the chic and timeless décor of Paris”, discovering clothing, materials, colors and the beloved creators of the beautiful Brazilian.

By FP.

  • Cristina Cordula- Bottines
  • Cristina Cordula -Chemise blanche
  • Cristina Cordula -Perfecto

appearance, Brazil, Cristina Cordula, Fashion, Paris, Style

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