The Power of I Am

Last few weeks were bit hard for me as I felt really lost; than I bought this book called POWER OF I AM, by Joel Osteen (Kindle Edition). This book brought me back to reality and reminds me again who I am really.
I again realize that I am a masterpiece of God, I am blessed, I am valued in the eye of God and most important I learn the lesson that we as a human do not need the approval of other beings to live our life, only approval that should matter is the approval of GOD. I also learn that God has always stored better things for us than we wanted for ourself, all we have to do is be grateful to Almighty and keeping honoring him and blessings will run after us.
The power of I AM is inherit with you, it is much a part of your birth right as your heart and mind. All you need to do is to uncover the layer and recognize the power of this tool.
The Power Of I AM, once understood, provides yet another “profoundly empowering” and quite enlightening bit of awareness that will, with unwavering certainty assist you in seemingly “miraculous” ways, when recognized and “consciously applied” enable and empower you to begin creating and experiencing a kind and quality of life is available to all but that far too few have the good fortune or the awareness to experience.
Becoming “consciously aware” of The Power Of I AM and the crucial role it plays in every aspect of your life will serve as another tool in your arsenal of knowledge which if applied will enable and empower you to begin “consciously, purposefully and intentionally” charting your course and experiencing “good fortune” in every area of your life whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually.
So how is it that the words I AM determine, affect and alter your physical experience?
From a strictly physical perspective, when you begin to become conscious of the words which follow I AM in your day to day interactions, you will begin to see the interconnectedness between those words and the events, conditions and circumstances unfolding in the various aspects of your life. You will begin to become more consciously aware of the underlying thought processes which initiate the verbal expressions following I AM which will heighten your awareness as to how and why your individual life experiences are unfolding and producing the results that you are and have experienced at some point in the past. Through developing this understanding you will become enabled and encouraged to become more conscious of its use and as a result enhance your future outcomes.
So from today onward stop saying your self:
I am not...., I cannot..., I am not able...
book, consciously aware, empowerment, interconnectedness, Joel Osteen, Power of I AM