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Lisa Simone ouvre grand son cœur avec “My World”

Après un Olympia réussi (14 avril 2016), la très séduisante Lisa Simone est encore en tournée européenne, avec son nouvel Opus: My World. Douze titres profonds, écrits avec l’encre du cœur. Comme à son habitude. L’artiste afro-américaine répond aux “3 questions à” de Femmes au Pluriel. In English…of course!

Lisa Simone
Lisa Simone
Lisa Simone

Looking back, what have you learned about yourself since you sing on stage. I almost want to say, in fact since you left your old military life to get on with, what really makes you vibrate?

I have learned many things about my relationship to Self, starting with learning how to honor myself. That first lesson can be looked at like at virtual “pebble in the lake” rippling out in all directions… Relationships to loved ones, relationships to others, my legacy and ultimately my place in this world. I am more whole than ever before in this life.

Lisa Simone

You're currently touring Europe for "My World." What looks like the world, the universe, you want to share with the Europeans and the rest of the world?

The Human Experience, our place in this world and how to be whole and happy in the midst of chaos.

Lisa Simone

What are your next projects or artistic challenges?

Right now, I am enjoying MY WORLD and all that encompasses supporting it as I share my heart through song.

Lisa Simone
Crédit photos: Alexandre Lacombe – Manfred Rinderspacher

fusion, Jazz, Legacy, Lisa Simone, My World, Nina Simone, Self

claire mendy

Renée Mendy

Ecrire pour mieux faire parler son cœur.